NSCMID Annual General Meeting 2024, Oslo, Norway

The NSCMID Annual General Meeting will take place during the NSCMID Annual Meeting in Oslo, Norway, on Saturday 31st of August 2024 at 8.30-9.00. 
Place: 40th Annual Meeting of NSCMID, Clarion Hotel the Hub, Biskop Gunnerusgt. 3. Oslo, Norway. The AGM is open for NSCMID members only.
1) Chairman’s welcome
2) Appointment of meetings chairman and secretary
3) Chairman´s report
4) Honorary treasurer’s report
5) Release of responsibility of the board
6) Membership dues (annual fee)
7) New members of the board
a. nominations from national societies of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases
b. election of new members of the board
8) New NSCMID members
9) Report from the webmaster
10) Reports from working groups
11) Report from the SSAC Foundation
12) The upcoming NSCMID scientific meetings
13) Any other business