The NSCMID annual meeting is held each year in the late summer or early autumn in one of the 5 Nordic countries.

The meeting is a great place to meet Nordic colleagues and learn about the latest research in your neighbouring countries.

40th annual meeting of NSCMID, Oslo, Norway

40th annual meeting of NSCMID, Oslo, Norway

The 40th NSCMID meeting was held on 29th of August to 1st of September in Oslo, Norway. The scientific program included various sessions in the field of infectious diseases, infection control and clinical microbiology.  The honorary lecture was given by professor Arnfinn Sundsfjord from University of Tromsø, Norway, with the headline Diagnostics in a time of increasing antibiotic resistance. The NSCMID meeting of 2024 provided a wide range of social activities including a welcome reception at the Oslo City hall, a guided Oslo city walk and a traditional Congress dinner. 

The organizers would like to thank all the speakers and delegates for a great meeting.

39th annual meeting of NSCMID, Örebro, Sweden

The 39th NSCMID meeting was held 21-24 September in Örebro, Sweden. The scientific program included sessions on a wide variety of subjects in the field of infectious diseases, paediatric infections, infection control and clinical microbiology. The meeting was an on-site meeting with >250 registered delegates and many of the presenters participated in the full congress and contributed to the scientific discussions. More than 45 abstracts were submitted and presented at the meeting. On the 20-21 September a Pre-course “Omics approaches for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases” was arranged in collaboration with Örebro University. The course was really appreciated and gathered about 25 PhD-students and 25 other participants. In addition to all the Scientific events the meeting also provided several Social activities like welcome reception on Örebro Castle, Early morning Run, City walk and Congress dinner. The organizers would like to Thank all the speakers and delegates for a great meeting.


38th annual meeting of NSCMID, Aalborg, Denmark

38th annual meeting of NSCMID, Aalborg, Denmark

In 2022 the NSCMID annual meeting was held in Aalborg on the 1st to 4th september.

The scientific program featured sessions on Covid in the Nordic perspective, hospital aquired infections, an update on endoccarditis and parallelle sessions with vivid discussions about nordic collaboration in clinical studies, and phylogenomics in microbiology. The social programme was almost equally diverse with a visit to the local art museum and a football match between the specialities.

37th annual meeting in Turku

The 37th Annual NSCMID Meeting was held on 3 -6 September, 2021 at Logomo hall, in Turku, Finland.  For the first time ever, the event took place also online.

The conference was a success, with more than 250 attendees either onsite or online. After a long pause in scientific meetings, it was a great pleasure to meet colleagues, to listen to talks given by experts and to participate in lively discussions on a wide range of subjects in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases.  The online platform enabled to follow the presentations, read the posters as well as to visit the exhibition also after the meeting.


36th annual meeting of NSCMID, Trondheim, Norway

The 36th Annual Meeting of NSCMID was held in Trondheim 12-15. September 2019 at Clarion Hotel & Congress Trondheim. 11 scientific symposia by 37 speakers from eight countries, and an organ concert in the medieval cathedral, were on the program for the 250 participants who attended the conference.

Martin Steinbakk, a Norwegian pioneer in the fight against antibiotic resistance, gave the honorary lecture “Antibiotics: Miracle drugs or pig food?”.

35th Annual Meeting of NSCMID, Reykjavik, Iceland

The 2018 Annual NSCMID Meeting was held 19th to 22nd August in Reykjavik, Iceland.

The conference was a success, with approximately 260 attendees from 22 countries, the majority from the Nordic countries, but among others there were delegates from Australia, New Zealand, China, Thailand, Israel and the USA in addition to several European countries.

There were 75 posters presented, and in addition 5 young invited scientists presented their work in a special session. During the four days 12 symposia were held, with a total of 36 different presentations by invited speakers. The symposia covered a broad range of topics, including the centennial of the Spanish influenza, the current goal of elimination of hepatitis C, respiratory infections in adults and children, new rapid diagnostics, new insights to various diseases provided by new information on the human microbiome, infections associated with medical devices, new aspects on antimicrobial resistance testing, frontiers in fungal infections, group A streptococci and others.



34th Annual Meeting of NSCMID, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

 The 2017 annual meeting of NSCMID was held in Tórshavn, Faeroe Islands in the spectacular Nordic House.

The meeting was a great success with 370 participants from all over the world, 31 invited speakers, 99 posters and a scientific programme covering the width of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology. 

The social programme included traditional Faeroese songs and dancing and a great Meeting Dinner and party with live music

33rd annual meeting of NSCMID, Rovaniemi, Finland

In 2016 we had the pleasure of visiting Santas birthplace in the north of Finland; Rovaniemi.

We had a wonderful annual meeting with around 350 delegates and a scientific programme featuring symposiums on antimicrobial resistance, sepsis, vaccines and much more.

The evening programme featured lovely dinners, traditional lappish singing and a visit from Santa himself.


32nd annual meeting of NSCMID, Umeå, Sweden

The annual meeting of NSCMID 2015 was held at the conference center Väven right by the river in Umeå, Sweden.

The meeting had over 250 delegates and invited speakers from all the Nordic countries, UK, US, Germany, Portugal and the Netherlands sharing their inspiring work covering a wide range of subjects in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases.

At the conference dinner we had the pleaure of a swinging big band inviting the attendees to dance all night.

31st annual meeting of NSCMID, Bergen, Norway

In 2014 we visited Bergen, Norway.

The meeting was held in beautiful sorroundings on the old wharf.

The scientific programme featured a wide range of topics from multi drug resistant tuberculosis to influenza and a parallel nurses session. During the conference we had a direct interview with Sanne Jespersen, a young doctor working for MSF in Sierra Leone during the ongoing ebola epidemic. 

30th annual meeting of NSCMID, Aarhus, Denmark

In 2013 the annual meeting was held in Denmarks second biggest city, Aarhus.

During the 3 days there was a visit to the high-level isolation facility at Aarhus University Hospital, sessions on the news in bacterial infection treatment, genetics and genomics in infectious diseases, emerging infectious diseases and much more.

The social programme included at visit to the art museum Aros, the old town and a morning run through the city.

29th annual meeting of NSCMID, Helsinki

NSCMID 2012 was held in Helsinki, Finland on 30th of august to 2nd of september.

It featured sessions on immunodefiencies, multi-drug resistance in Enterobacteriaceae and a key-note lecture on new hepatitis C treatment.

28th annual meeting of SSAC, Reykjavik, Iceland

In 2011 NSCMID was still SSAC (Scandinavian Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy). 

The annual meeting was held in Reykjavik, Iceland on 18th to 21st of august. Attendees enjoyed both the scientific programme, which featured sessions on among other things; genetics and infectious diseases, pneumococcal vaccines and tuberculosis, while also taking the chance to experience the beautiful nature of Iceland.

27th annual meeting of SSAC

In 2010 the annual meeting of SSAC (later NSCMID) was held in Stockholm on september 30th to october 3rd.

The programme included a min-course in fungal infections and sessions on ICU infections and emerging viral infections among many other topics.